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February 10, 2022The Latest on VTrans Travel Markets

In March 2021, the Commonwealth Transportation Board took action to include Fauquier County in the Northern Virginia Regional Network. Based on the feedback received in 2019 and 2020, we are currently evaluating Corridors of Statewide Signifiance (CoSS).

VTrans Travel Markets

Pursuant to Virginia State Code § 33.2-353, VTrans identifies Mid-term Needs and Priority locations for three distinct travel markets: Corridors of Statewide Significance (CoSS), Regional Networks (RN), and Urban Development Areas (UDAs). VTrans also evaluates all public roadways and identifies safety needs.

Characteristics of VTrans Travel Markets

Each travel market is associated with unique characteristics, system users, and travel patterns.

Corridors of Statewide Significance (CoSS)​
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Regional Networks (RNs)​
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Urban Development Areas (UDAs) and Industrial and Economic Development Areas (IEDAs)​
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By The Numbers

Explore VTrans Travel Markets

VTrans travel markets can be viewed using the map widget below. Please utilize InteractVTrans MapExplorer to print, download, or comment. Statistics associated with the VTrans travel market can be found on InteractVTrans DataExplorer, an interactive visualization application.

To query, print, download, or comment, visit InteractVTrans MapExplorer (CoSS, RN, UDA, UDA-IEDA, ). For interactive infographics, visit InteractVTrans DataExplorer

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Looking for more answers to specific questions about VTrans Travel Markets? Find more information on our Frequently Asked Questions page here: https://vtrans.virginia.gov/get-involved/frequently-asked-questions.